Trash 2 Art, rethinking waste disposal in Vietnam

At MODMO, we are constantly working to rethink aspects of what we do, what we make and how we make it, with the aim of contributing to a healthier, cleaner, happier planet.

We have started a series called RETHINK that explains this in more detail, and also features other likeminded businesses and organisations that are rethinking in their own spheres.

Trash 2 Art is one such likeminded organisation. This local NGO on the Vietnamese island of Con Dao takes ocean trash and up-cycles it into some really cool lifestyle products. MODMO went to visit them on the Saigon e-bike, to learn more about what they do and why.

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Thanks for watching! For more RETHINK content, check out how MODMO is rethinking urban mobility or click here to read about Gagaco, another local Vietnamese organisation that is reimagining urban agriculture.