Leaderboard compete

(Leaderboard Compliance & Rights)

Das Modmo-Leaderboard dient dem Wettbewerb und der Rangliste der Benutzer. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Übersichtsseite für alle Mitglieder der Modmo-Community, auf der sie Ihren Rang, Ihre Leistungen, Ihre zurückgelegten Strecken und ihren Namen anzeigen können.

Der Zweck des Leaderboards

You will be prompted to opt-in or out of the compete and be considered an anonymous user. The displayed name and profile picture as setup by a user will be anonymous but the entity’s data log will be still visible. The distance and other metric values are subject to cadence rather than tracking or GPS metrics.

We do not have information on the designated location or whereabouts when a user opt-outs of the leaderboard compete – the metrics to apply distance are based on cadence against RPM and averaged based on time to determine the user’s distance.

You require your personal details to be deleted or IP address to not be kept logged, please contact hello@modmo.io for further assistance.