Bikes Have Been Delivered! And more...
Each month we’ll sit down with MODMO CEO, Jack O’Sullivan and hear what’s been going on behind the scenes at MODMO.
We’re Streamlining Production
We're excited to share that we’ve raised slightly over 1 million Euros of investment for ramping up our production and ensuring we’ve got a constant flow of bikes in the pipeline to reduce wait times.
Production is dang hard! I think this quote from Elon Musk explains it well: “Production is at least 100X more difficult than making a concept ”, and I think we learnt that this year. There’s certainly an art to supply chain and ensuring all of our 159 unique components arrive on-time and to the quality we expect. Even if we have 99% of the bike’s components, we still can't ship it - it just takes one supplier to delay and that's it. For example right now we have 2,000 frames sitting in the factory unable to be processed into bikes because one or two parts are missing.
So we’ve made big investments into our own manufacturing to reduce dependency on component suppliers.
Our Team is Still Growing
Our Irish team will be growing massively over the next few months as we scale up European presence. We’re focusing on customer experience and hiring in roles such as logistics and customer service to ensure your bike arrives quickly and you’re kept up to date with progress. We’ll be opening warehouses in our top markets, like Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Ireland, etc, and we’ll stock spare parts there so shipping just takes a day or two.
Over in Vietnam, a lot of the growth has been in our technology development team - we focus on developing seriously innovative tech so we built an expansive team covering everywhere from hardware and firmware design, iOS, Android, IOT, web development, etc - basically a team of people who can develop every element of the bike. Without going into detail on what we’re working on, you should be excited.
Bikes Have Been Delivered!!
Saving the best until last - we’ve delivered our first production run of bikes!

And we’ve got more in production now. The quality assurance team is busy right now in the factory, hand-inspecting over 20,000 components. These are going to be assembled onto the Saigon S very soon. We will keep you posted.
Test rides are also up and running - check out our ListnRide profile to book your ride.
In the meantime, if you’ve received your bike tag us on Instagram! We’d love to see you trying it out.